Trillium Moon Midwifery is a community based midwifery service run by Jami Johnson, Licensed Midwife. I began my love for birth 15 years ago when I first opened Ina May's book Spiritual Midwifery. I was hooked ever since. I have given birth to four wonderfully wild children. We live on a farm in rural Northern California where we homeschool, grow our own food, sell our goods at farmers markets, raise animals, spin wool, go on adventures in nature...the list goes on and on. 

     With the birth of my first child, I was blown away by the force of nature of childbirth. I chose to have a hospital birth, because at the time, no midwives would attend a home birth in my area. I felt alone and without options. My hospital birth was great, but not without complications that I know would not have happened if I would have been in the comfort of my own home. After that, my second son was born into the loving hands of my husband, being that we did not call the midwife in time for her to arrive. It was a great experience that spurred my desire for undisturbed home births

I have 15 years experience attending births. I trust women to tap into their intuition to guide themselves in the birth experiences of their dreams. No desire is overlooked.