Upcoming Classes: To Be Announced

Womb Medicine-Inciting the medicine and power of our wombs. This class will open our power of our uteruses to help us to fully reach our potentials. We will delve into yoni steams, uterine massage and health. 


Childbirth Education-This class will educate us about the power of childbirth. It encourages self education, visualization, and birth physiology so that we hold the power in our palms. 


Self Love Practices-We ALL need to practice self LOVE. Loving our bodies is the first part to self empowerment. 


Breastfeeding Support-In this class we learn how to honor our roles as breastfeeding mothers and how we can fully support ourselves during this time and how to support others in their time of selflessness. Breastfeeding takes so much from us, whether it be nutritionally or emotionally. We also all need to be strong and to breastfeed with confidence.